UKHCDO Guidelines

The table below provides information on where UKHCDO Guidelines have been published and, where applicable, links to the publisher’s website from where the document can be downloaded (in Adobe Acrobat format); these are denoted as “PDF”.

A list of other relevant publications can be found on the ‘Other Publications’ page – click here to visit

A list archived guidelines can be found on the ‘Archived Guidelines’ – click here to visit

You may also download guidelines for working parties and research & publication from the links below

UKHCDO Guidelines for Research & Publication
Procedure For UKHCDO Guidelines

UKHCDO Publication Policy Version 1.0_ Sept18

YearReferenceTitleJournalReview DateDocument
2024Haemophilia. 2024;1-13.UKHCDO gene therapy taskforce: Guidance for
implementation of haemophilia gene therapy into routine
clinical practice for adults
2024Br J Haematol. 2024;204(5):1714-1731Guideline for laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of von Willebrand disease: A joint guideline from the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation and the British Society for HaematologyBritish Journal of HaematologyTBCPDF
2022Br J Haematol. 2022;199(1):45-53Haematological evaluation of bruising and bleeding in children
undergoing child protection investigation for possible physical
maltreatment: A British Society for Haematology Good Practice
British Journal of HaematologyTBCPDF
2022Haemophilia. 2022;28:917-937Gynaecological management of womenwith inherited bleeding
disorders. A UK Haemophilia Centres Doctors’ Organisation
2021UKHCDO DocumentImmune tolerance induction in severe haemophilia A: A UKHCDO inhibitor and paediatric working party consensus update Haemophilia 2021 Nov;27(6):932-937TBCPDF
2021Haemophilia. 2022;28:515-519Laboratory coagulation tests and recombinant porcine factor
VIII: A United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’
Organisation guideline
2020BSH Document
Guidelines on the use of prophylactic factor replacement for children and adults with Haemophilia A and B. A British Society for Haematology Guideline
2020, 190, 684–695TBCPDF
2020UKHCDO DocumentLaboratory coagulation tests and emicizumab treatment. A UKHCDO guideline.
2019UKHCDO Document
Laboratory measurement of factor replacement therapies in the treatment of congenital haemophilia. A UK Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation guideline

2019UKHCDO DocumentRecombinant factor VIII products and inhibitor development
in previously untreated patients with severe haemophilia A:
Combined analysis of three studies
Haemophilia 2019;25:398-407.TBCPDF
2019UKHCDO DocumentRecommendations for the clinical interpretation of genetic variants and presentation of results to patients with inherited bleeding disordersHaemophilia 2019 Jan 25 (1) 116-126TBCPDF
2019Haemophilia. 2020;26:6-16Laboratory measurement of factor replacement therapies in
the treatment of congenital haemophilia: A United Kingdom
Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation guideline
2019Haemophilia. 2020;26:151-155Laboratory coagulation tests and emicizumab treatment A
United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation
2018UKHCDO Document
Guidance from the UKHCDO
Inhibitor Working Party
Treatment of bleeding episodes in haemophilia A complicated by a factor VIII inhibitor in patients receiving Emicizumab.HaemophiliaTBCPDF
20182017 RCOG/UKHCDOGuideline on management of inherited bleeding disorders in pregnancy LINK
2017Haemophilia (2017), 1-10Guidelines for the management of acute joint bleeds and
chronic synovitis in haemophilia
2017UKHCDO DocumentUKHCDO protocol for first line immune tolerance induction for children with severe haemophilia A:
A protocol from the UKHCDO Inhibitor and Paediatric Working Parties
(1st February 2017)
N/AFeb 2020PDF
2016Haemophilia (2016), 22, 487–498The use of enhanced half-life coagulation factor
concentrates in routine clinical practice: guidance from
2014Haemophilia, Volume 19, Issue 3, pages e191–e192, May 2013Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of the Rare Coagulation DisordersHaemophiliaTBCPDF
2014Br J Haematol, 10.1111/bjh.13064The diagnosis and management of von Willebrand disease: a United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organization guideline approved by the British Committee for Standards in HaematologyBritish Journal of HaematologyTBCPDF
2013Haemophilia, Volume 19, Issue 3, pages e191–e192, May 2013Update to UKHCDO guidance on vaccination against hepatitis A and B viruses in patients with inherited coagulation factor deficiencies and von Willebrand diseaseHaemophiliaTBCPDF
2013British Dental Journal, 215:497-504, 2013Guidance on the dental management of patients with haemophilia and congenital bleeding disordersBritish Dental JournalMay 2016PDF
2013Br J Haematol, 160:153-170, 2013Diagnosis and treatment of factor VIII and IX inhibitors in congenital haemophilia: (4th edition)British Journal of HaematologyTBCPDF
2013Br J Haematol, 162:758-773, 2013Diagnosis and management of acquired coagulation inhibitors: a guideline from UKHCDOBritish Journal of HaematologyTBCPDF
2010Br J Haematol, 149, 498-507A United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organization guideline approved by the British Committee for Standards in Haematology: guideline on the use of prophylactic factor VIII concentrate in children and adults with severe haemophilia ABritish Journal of HaematologySeptember 2014PDF
2009UKHCDO WebsiteEmergency and out of hours care for patients with bleeding disorders – Standards of care for assessment and treatmentUKHCDO WebsiteSeptember 2013PDF
2006Br J Haematol, 135, 603-633A review of inherited platelet disorders with guidelines for their management on behalf of the UKHCDOBritish Journal of HaematologyTBCPDF